Sunday, October 20, 2013

What It Gives

Did you get out to the wilderness
away from it all out in the wild
apart from the environment
you tend so well but wears you out
and claim a place on which to stand
from which to survey this sacred land
and allow yourself a mortal awe
enamored of all that you now saw
and find yourself just reckoning
in magic leaps mere mental feats
of overmind outside confines
the way the land does lilt and lie
and stretches ever toward the sky
until you'd become a sentient part
of life's indivisible living heart
and notice the air as it flows by
suggesting you see with an inner eye
and as you looked you knew all is well
true and clear you're freed from your shell
free to be whom you now become
with no one place where you are from
containing all that you now see
no difference between it and thee
the stillness being all that lives
the silence bringing what it gives?

Larry Piltz

                                                                   Mother and daughter