Tuesday, March
25, 2003 @ 11:26 PM GMT.
Take Back The Media. Commentary by
L.A. Piltz
wrote, "And so once more the men who reaped profit from it all will assert
with assurance that since there has been a war there must needs have been one,
and that other wars must follow, and they will again prepare future generations
for a continuance of slaughter, depraving them from childhood".
Iraq War Coverage Is A Pentagon Snuff Film
Precious Life Amidst the Unnecessary Carnage and Special Effects of the Iraq
Invasion's Vast TV Wasteland: Bush Creates Desolation and Calls It Peace.
Now that the Bush administration's Iraqi war campaign has begun in
holy earnest, the way that the monopoly U.S. media present this attack needs to
come into sharp focus and graphic relief.
I'm talking about the inherently gratuitous prurience of war video footage,
which in ethic and effect are no better than the craven exploitation and
murderous lust of the fabled snuff film, a mostly urban legend with some rare
basis in fact, which shows the literal torture and murder of an unwilling
innocent victim.
Viewers worldwide will be watching living, breathing people blown to bloody
bits. People will be dying and maimed in real-time video, in loving slow-motion
pan and zoom. This will be replayed endlessly as if it's NFL Sunday or
the World Cup. Commentators will clinically describe target acquisition and
payload technology, laser-guided to locations very much smaller than the
metaphoric football field.
For the most part, newspeople will meticulously avoid dwelling on the suffering
of their fellow humans, as well as of animals, who are all 10,000 feet below
and a world away. For the embedded and censored lackey journalist
and windblown coiffured news-speakmodel, the victims may as well be made of
sheetrock, or never have existed at all.
Yet even survivors will horribly suffer. And they will die. From
grievous wounds, exposure, thirst, starvation, persecution, continued medicine
blockade, diseases caused by intentional destruction of water treatment plants
as in Gulf War I, and more cancer from tons more radioactive ammunition, also
as used in the first Persian Gulf War as well as now in the present invasion
and occupation.
However, because of the way that the war's presented, its victims will
disappear beyond most people's consciousnesses as surely as people disappeared
into the labor and death camps of the 1930s and 1940s, as two million
Vietnamese dead seemed to disappear into history, as Rwandans, Bosnian Muslims
and Palestinians ethnically disappeared, as Russians disappear Chechens by
gradual decimation, and as the POWs at Guantanamo today remain disappeared in
an intentionally purgatorial, dehumanizing anonymous nihilism.
This institutionalized and televised desensitization of the public will again
be accomplished by willful legerdemain. Nothing up my sleeve here in the
Humvee, nothing to look at there in the ruins, and presto change-o-regime, it's
over. No harm done to my recliner. It's an electronic sleight of
omission used as weapon of mass hypnosis. What you don't see is what they
This macabre illusion, however, actually shields a very real torture by voodoo,
with countless innocents suspended as helpless as dolls, human sacrifices who
never volunteered for the grisly duty, gruesomely struck with calibrated,
precision instruments of havoc and doom, in often pinprick-accurate
military strike, backlit by media's proxy acceptance, as well as by bombardment
with who-gives-a-shit let god sort them out headrolling.
Deprived of context, they suffer and die, offstage, invisible but omnipresent,
yet never to be heard from again, and, therefore, seemingly never to have
existed at all. If a bomb falls in a village, and you don't know to care, was
there ever a village in the first place? We know, but we don't know.
Many viewers will be made to feel safe, thinking they're watching their fears
bombed into oblivion, appreciating only that they'll continue to see these
Pentagon snuff films in the haven of their private homes and thoughts.
They won't make the connection that the people they're not seeing won't even have
homes or thoughts any more.
They can change the channel, record it for posterity, turn it off or walk away.
They will have this choice, even as they rationalize that the people of Iraq
have had their choice as well, no matter how ludicrous and self-serving this
sop to their consciences would be. It's a personal whitewash, taking its
cue from the collective eye. It's a dodge from responsibility and feigned
personal absolution.
Even TIVO will get into the act, dutifully recording "The Littlest Caesar,
Episode I, Revenge of the Prodigal Son, the Emperor's Cut", as part of
some Stepford family's preferred viewing choices. Too bad February Sweeps
has passed, though the networks could blame the U.N. and the French for that.
Oh, well, there's always Fall Sweeps.
This footage is a 21st-century satellite version of Nazi Germany's
choreographed Riefenstahlian cinema propaganda newsreels, of torchlight
parades, blitzkrieg onslaughts, menacing Panzer tanks, and terrifying Stuka
divebombers. Today's version shows the goosestepping automatons from der
old neighborhood, sporting the refashioned Nazi military helmets of the modern
U.S. military. Deja vu and General Tommy Franks too.
This footage invokes the cathartic apostasy of Orwell's two-minute
hate, stretched to fit the evening news, transforming historic cautionary
fiction into great mindless TV. So crucial must this carnage be to the
smooth operation of our political ways and means, that the TV networks suspend
regular programming. We brake for war, they seem to say, bowing down to
face their Mecca - and the real Mecca - yet again.
However, a more important kind of programming, of the viewers, is actually
taking place. In a sense, the Bush administration is throwing a real
"Heil Mary" pass, desperately trying to both distract from the
crashing economy and to condition its citizen-consumers to the junta's
realpolitik: War is good for business; get used to it. SUV's,
stocks, and diamonds can always be sold later, after war boosts confidence in
spending. The media are spared a choice between Caesar and Mammon and
will have no other gods before them.
The thrills are vicarious and the spills tax-deductible. There's mayhem
every minute and both sexes in the bunkers. It's war, folks, and since
the real thing would be too graphic, instead we get brainstem-tingling special
effects from Military-Industrial Light and Magic. Real enough to
titillate and excite, and illusion enough to disappear the dead and
discomfort. Caveat pre-emptor. Chauncey Gardner wouldn't watch this
must-be TV.
Tolstoy wrote, "And so once more the men who reaped profit from it all
will assert with assurance that since there has been a war there must needs
have been one, and that other wars must follow, and they will again prepare
future generations for a continuance of slaughter, depraving them from
childhood". In "The Aeneid" Virgil adds, "Hysteria
soon finds a missile". News feed frenzy at 11.
War has always been violently obscene. The major media now cynically
filter the violence and obscenity, projecting and personifying Hannah Arendt's
banality of evil characterization for yet another generation. Evil does
triumph when good people do nothing but watch it. Does your disgust about the
war and its coverage always outweigh your fascination? Isn't it still
This media coverage debases all who see it, converting passive observers into
material witnesses and war supporters into accomplices, while hiding in plain
sight the amorality and sadism of war crimes. Many will say "I didn't
know" that there were people in those buildings, but if they're honest
they'd actually say they didn't care that there were souls in those people.
Pentagon snuff films assault the mind, subtly alter who we are, and cause
profound change in the body politic, introducing serial chaos into the social
contract. This causes the very violence that we inevitably observe infiltrating
society, after the fact, propagating nihilism like a virus. It eventually takes
its toll, usually on the most vulnerable, through scapegoating, ostracism,
domestic violence, and random acts of psychotic blindness.
However, these films can be antidote, the beginning of knowledge
if used as teaching tools. The antidote is to use them as gentle
instruments of peace, resurrecting from within their tragic core of pathos, the
cherished values of humaneness, compassion and cooperation. There are people in
that rubble, and there are hearts in those people watching war coverage.
Linking the two together is peace education, and everyone's an instructor.
We have to keep educating, keep researching, keep writing, keep learning, keep
organizing, keep protesting, keep campaigning, keep hoping, keep praying, keep
playing, keep loving, and keep the pressure on the media, even locally. They’re
all human too and will eventually respond as such.
Keep at it, and ultimately there could be less war to film, and then let's
snuff it out.
[The Take Back The Media site on which this article appeared no
longer exists.]