"Piggy Banker." © Zina Saunders 2009/Via The Rag Blog
Focused In Going Forward
We're focused in going forward
hoping we're not moving backward
that our dreams are not shattered
and we're doing things that matter
We have a laser-eye view
of what we surgically need to do
but first we synchronize our attitudes
to increase the odds we're not so screwed
We'll strategize our paradigm
and turn this tanker on a dime
then magnetize our money bomb
and incentivize remaining calm
calm calm calm calm take a powder take a balm
calm calm calm calm if needed I would sell my mom
I yearn to actionize my sweetheart deal
get skin in the game and watch it peel
then hybridize across the board
take a flier and pull the cord
We're focused in going forward
hoping we're not moving backward
that our dreams are not shattered
and we're doing things that matter
We have a laser-eye view
of what we surgically need to do
but first we synchronize our attitudes
to increase the odds we're not so screwed
We'll strategize our paradigm
and turn this tanker on a dime
then magnetize our money bomb
and incentivize remaining calm
calm calm calm calm take a powder take a balm
calm calm calm calm if needed I would sell my mom
I yearn to actionize my sweetheart deal
get skin in the game and watch it peel
then hybridize across the board
take a flier and pull the cord
I'll morally hazard deep cramdowns
and turn the plunge team into clowns
creatively destroy the ranks
of dualistic zombie banks
I'll deconstruct bank stewardship
and ride risk-free the double dip
but why I do this I won't tell
but two code words are soul and sell
soul sell soul sell I salivate at the first bell
soul sell soul sell it's later that I go to hell
We're focused in going forward
hoping we're not ass backward
that our dreams were not hackered
by some spoiled rich cracker
we're focused in going forward
Indian Cove
April 20, 2010