Friday, July 17, 2020
Sunday, May 31, 2020
The Flight Attendant and the Tumbling Turtle of Turtle Cove
Suddenly something ahead of me caught my attention. At a medium distance, it looked and sounded like a 10-pound rock tumbling roughly over and over down the steep shaded rocky slope to my left. I wondered why it had suddenly fallen, if maybe a deer had brushed up against it as I’ve seen happen, or if eroded ground beneath it had finally given way.
Turtle is one of the numerous red slider turtles native to Turtle Cove, which its beautifully hued red horizontal racing stripe on each cheek divulged. It's a small adult, likely a female, who might have been trying to find her way back to the water after laying her eggs, or maybe she was still searching for a great spot for a nest. Either way, the hard pounding jolts she felt while piggybacking on gravity’s way down the slope, the partial hollowness of the shell providing the loud thunks, interrupted whatever mission she had been on.
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
There's a fluid stasis
as the basis
for those thoughts
that hound and chase us
reduce and trace us
and would erase us
and debase us
if not waste us
real head cases
that mentally race us
instead of pace us
and embrace us
and truly face us
in our places
of oasis.
Tuesday, April 14, 2020
The Menace Apprentice
is a fate that's not meant us
just a mistake life's lent us
come to divide and rent us
an unreality show star
whose known wide and far
for his inimitable genius
for lying and meanness
and the smoke and mirror
make his confusion much clearer
a mental hologram of blubber
fool's gold and used rubbers
The Eternal Dolt
a dodo in full molt
a pitiable ignoramus
who will die trying to shame us
loves the suffering he causes
accepts only escape clauses
feels nothing but threat
even his saliva's flop sweat
he's a blob of self-pity
what he touches turns shitty
he's all about the teardown
and meltdown and beatdown
mad clown with a shit crown
he's a nervous condition
of demolition absent contrition
a public masturbation of dissipation
his excitation now a capitulation
to his fear of a fight
a scared dog with a bite
drowns in the hate he's sown
with us in the splash zone
and a pandemic he's blown
it's your very life he'd own
he's an exploding supernova of gall and bile
the only space force we'll see for a while
a dark matter show of hook and crook
of deny steal lie plunder and rook
our suffering his happy place
good ol' larceny and bear mace
he and his axis of weevils
their role models medievals
minds in constant upheavals
I may yet believe in evil
Larry Piltz
April 14, 2020
Mother and daughter

Larry Piltz 1 hr · Edited · The gas chamber at Parchman Farm, the state penitentiary in north Mississippi, was used from 1955 u...
Coming Together At The Seams Everything's a gamble even the surest thing a risk all that's soft can conceal a bramble e...