Saturday, May 1, 2010

The Wave

Wherever there's a wave, there's a way, and a wave.
Wherever there's a wave, there's a way,
Forever is the day of the wave and the way.
Wherever there's a wave, there's a way.

Life is like a beach, there's a wave, and a way.
When love is within reach, there's a way.
The pain is there to teach us a way of the wave
and that within the wave there's more than one way

When you're on your own, there's a wave, and a way.
If your heart begins to groan, there's a way.
There is kindness you'll be shown by the wave, by the way,
and sharing kindness, if you will, is the way.

As we sail the stars, there's a wave, and a way.
If our Earth becomes like Mars, there's a way.
As we move out of our cars, out of the way of that wave,
we'll no longer be like slaves all our days.

As you live and breathe, there's a wave, and a way.
When your laughter turns to grief, there's a way.
It will cleanse all your beliefs and will show you the way,
the way to laugh and to believe every day.

Wherever there's a wave, there's a way, and a wave.
Wherever there's a wave, there's a way.
Forever is the day of the wave and the way.
Wherever there's a wave, there's a way.

Larry Piltz
Indian Cove

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