Saturday, October 30, 2010

The Sins of the Patriarchs,
The Spoils of the Sons

A harmful change in conditions
is brought about by the advantaged
taking advantage of the disadvantaged
who have no recourse from
and have no remedy for
what has befallen them
and no one to whom to turn.

What remains?
At what cost?

Meanwhile a father and son team
prominent brigands of the town
buy gold and silver jewelry
off the necks wrists fingers
tongues lips cheeks genitals
and right out of the mouths
and hutches of the disadvantaged
with dimes for their dinners
and encourage them
to strip copper for breakfast
and call it a good day.

My country
would not be
tis of them
if I had my whim

L. A. Piltz
Indian Cove
October 30, 2010

Friday, October 15, 2010

Eva Bush
(More Braun Than Brains)

{Singing fun for the whole family, to the tune of "Peggy Sue"}

You used to be Laura

but you married that horror
your crime may be subliminable
but you married a war criminable


Oh Eva, oh Eva Bush
you know we love that Bush
that pretty Eva Bush

She used to be a teacher

but now we can't reach her
she banned those peace poets
Eva we didn't think you'd ho' it

Eva's known to love books

and high-powered Enron crooks
but you know she couldn't be that brainy
since she loved the wrong Cheney

We knew that George is without sin

and should've known that he would win
when Eva came up with the plan
for naked pyramids of man

Now would a paragon of morals

rest on Iraqi corpses' laurels
yes her outfits are tres slimming
but as befits a Stepford lemming

Eva's big boy loves his bike

and there's no pantsuit she won't like
yes they were made for each other
cause she turned out like his mother

Eva loves her cowpoke

and tells a great horse penis joke
though she wears those pantsuits like a burka
she's a Norman Rockwell berserker

We know that Eva loves to wave

and that she'd never hurt her slave
but what I'd really like to know
is would our Eva keep it shaved
if it could make that man behave?


Oh Eva, oh Eva Bush
you know we love that Bush
that pretty Eva Bush

By Anonymous Blogger,
who just happens to be posting
randomly on this particular blog
and who has absolutely no connection
to its proprietor, Larry Piltz,
none whatsoever, none at all,
and Piltz has no idea how
this poem
appeared on his blog
hasn't yet figured out
how to remove it.
He'll be going now.

                                                                   Mother and daughter